Tuesday, July 29, 2008

God Is Crazy.

Wow. What a mysterious, terrifyingly close God we have... Or rather, that has us.

It's 4:15ish... pm.

I'm so floored, almost paralyzed by the awe I'm in of Him. It's physically hard to lift fingers to type.

I feel like I just took a couple drags of marijuana, really.. heavy. But good. Very good. So bear with me as I try to make sense.

Here's what I've come to from events of the past couple days, this day, this moment, being just as intense:
*God speaks via the clouds, trees, wind, voices of friends, numbers on our clocks, license plates and odometers, the words stitched on the backs of people's hats, the cop car, ambulance or fire truck that just pulled by you, even through music featuring a made up language of an icelandic-speaking homosexual.

Here are just a couple events over the past few days that have revealed these venues of God's voice:
My friend Alex has a thing for trees... She loves how they grow up, reaching up and worshiping the Lord with their existence. I've found They are waiting for the Lord to let His wind push them and have them clap their hands for Him in worship (Isaiah 55). She told me this at lunch along with Blake Slatten, and that night at cluster a man had a vision of a tree in the middle of the room, with leaves that are for healing, available to people who are in need of His Touch (Revelation 22).
She and I sat on boot hill in Yukon, in awe, because as we thanked the Lord for the wind, He increased the intensity of it, multiple times. At that moment, we looked to the right, and the sun peeked out from behind a sky filled with clouds. Then, 10 birds that were completely white flew from right to left across our field of view (hadn't seen any like these all day, or after this moment). Then, looking back right, the sun made rays underneath the clouds. Incredible.
I got a pain in my hips right before we were going to watch Batman: Dark Night, and when I sat down in my seat, the back of a man's hat in front of me just said 'Payne.' He was one of only three other people in the theatre. I had listened to Zach Payne's record earlier, and I was in pain, so that was cute I guess. Not real pleasant, and I'm not gonna try and interpret the event, but I'm just saying... God's everywhere.
Then, when I was about to drive back to Norman, my odometer read 77055. Psalm 77 and Isaiah 55 are both very close to me.. also extremely relevant to the day.
In the car, I probably saw 10 or so numbers that directly spoke to me. One of which was my birthdate, 12:31, as I asked the Lord if this was what he had planned for me for that day. It's cool, too, because Luke 12:31 says, 'Instead, seek His Kingdom, and these things will be added to you.' Which for me is huge because God has put this juicy plate of food in front of me at his dining table, and He's testing to see if I will keep my eyes on His Face instead of some blessing He's offering. He's after me.
He's after you.
He is a jealous lover running after you. (Phil Rice song 'Hallelujah')
Talked with Bo in the car to see Blake at Plaid about the parallels God puts in our lives, like when you see a flask or something in a catalog and someone gives one to you the next day who is a complete stranger. (I'm trying to paraphrase and just give you the relevant stuff, but I think you know the little blip weird moments I'm talking about.... Oh yeah, I guess some people use the word 'coincidence'... hahaha, riight.) For some reason, I thought to say something about my pastor, Ken. When Bo and I walked into Plaid, Ken was sitting at a booth, eating his lunch.
Then I walked with the Lord around my Lake and I was going to look up a certain passage, but it fell open to Isaiah 55, and as I read through it, Holy Spirit just blew my mind with how he has made that chapter alive to me these last three days.
Then I talked to Brett on the phone (He's 24 hours from coming home from Israel!). He brought up 'out of the blue' the passage about Elisha and Elijah and asking for a double portion. 2 hours prior to this, I was reading Experiencing God (a devotional) and guess what the title was... "A double portion." The reference verse was the same thing Brett brought up!
Then he brought up the story of Joseph, saying he thought of me because it's my middle name. Just last night, Alex asked me what my middle name was. A question I hadn't been asked in months at least.

Moral of today's story: The Lord is speaking to you (clock says 4:55 right now). He even timed my typing this to land on 55. He's a jealous lover running after you. He wants you to know that there are no coincidences. You are being irreverent to the Lord to say there are. God is in control. When you are living in intimacy with Him, it makes much more sense, so just tap into it. Surrender control. Release the reigns. Keep your eyes on His Face and off the blessing.

Anything that penetrates, resonates, communicates, comforts, challenges, or convicts you about this post is not from me. It's the Lord using my heavy fingers to speak very specifically and intimately with you. 

Thank you's to the empty people that allowed God to use them so I could hear from Him:
Phil Rice
Stephen Pyle
Madison Kerner
Blake Slatten
Bo Walbrick
Brett Colclasure
Alex Ford

Please stay empty, you seven. God's doing miracles through you.

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