* Fear
* Supernatural Healing
* Chick-Fil-A
* Vintage Road Bikes
* Forever 21
Fear : This is the theme of the past month for me and a few of my closest friends. Here's the phrase I keep hearing from the Lord : "Don't do anything out of the fear of man, fear of the Enemy, or fear of anything else. Do things out of the Love I give." We are to move, make decisions, and take ground because of the love the of Lord. If we keep doing things out of the fear of doing the wrong thing, we'll never get where we need to be going. God's love should be the thing fueling our decisions and nothing else. We can then move in confidence and peace.
Supernatural Healing : I see it happening in the community I'm surrounded by more now than I ever have. There is a definite increase in the awareness of the Presence of God around Norman Community Church and the people affected by them. People are being healed everyday it seems like. Stories that did not really exist before are now expected in large numbers each time I am at church. Prophetic words and words of knowledge are becoming more and more common and direct. God is touching people in a different way than the recent past. And that is something to be rejoicing in. (much more to be said about this stuff later).
Chick-Fil-A : My good friend Stephen Pyle stayed up all night from 5pm yesterday to 6am this morning in order to get free Chick-Fil-A for a year. He invited me, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I should have. I'm excited to hear about how that went.
Vintage Road Bikes : I like them. I am riding Philip's to school each day, and I'm planning on buying one. Let me know if you know of one someone is trying to get rid of.
Forever 21 : Cheap, well designed clothes. They need more menswear in the ones here, even though we're not as cool as other, larger city people.
That's it for now. Random, I know.
1 comment:
They plan on bringing out more menswear to our store here if the sales of what they have go well. Until then- you can check at forever21.com/heritage1981
Haha. Can I also say that I love that I don't work there anymore? Thank you, Jesus.
I know, I know. Of all the posts to comment on... I comment on the one about Forever21. I'm so lame.
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