Friday, November 7, 2008


Thank God October's over.

I almost lost faith last month.

If it weren't for the little kisses that came just in time, I never would've persevered.

Earlier I named October the 'Month of Remembrance.'

I think more accurately it should be named the 'Month of the Enemy's Arrows Finding Gaps in My Armor.'

So far, and I know I'm jumping the gun once again on this one, November has been named the 'Month of Freedom for the Captives.' God is in a mood to release the captives right now. Not tomorrow, not when 'it's a good time.' Right Now. Geographical areas that once were a stronghold for the Devil are being turned over to become little flames of a passion for Jesus. God is releasing the chains on hearts that have been on the run for a long time. Right now. And what is the best evidence? ('Cuz we all know emotionalism can put people in good moods and make them feel free for a while)

Here's the evidence:

The demons by the names of Religion, The Fear of Man, Accusation, Lust, Shame, and Guilt are trying to find homes. They're rearing their repulsive heads against the individuals they were demonizing, formerly creating a strange 'comfort.' Now, as we are released and the demonic is cast out of our rooms, realms, and atmospheres, they're trying to get back inside their 'homes' in new ways and we feel it as anxiety, accusation, fear, and guilt. But it's external. They have no home anymore.

So here's to you free people:

Claim your freedom over yourself. You Are Free. You Are God's. Recognize the table set before you and eat from Jesus' body and drink from his blood. Don't do anything. BE free. Be free to let your mind wander where it wants. Satan wants you to feel guilty. God wants you to be you. Don't pray. Don't read. Don't write. BE with Jesus. He'll do everything else:

such as:
Speak to you through the Bible.
Intercede for you.
Install a wailing wall heart of intercession inside you.
Impart zeal for His house on you.
Reveal perfect peace to you.

You can't do anything to make him give you these things except receive them from Him.

End Rant.

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