Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Favorite Number Was 8

I am sitting in Medieval Art History class, an upper division class usually taken only by art history majors. I say that to explain the foolishness of me blogging at the moment. But something was just said that I think is important for me to hear...

Growing up, my favorite number was always 8. I liked it because you could sit in class and draw over it and over it and never pick up your pencil for as long as you want. Around high school, I began drawing 8's with two circles instead of a vertical infinity shape...

Just now we are talking about octagonal shapes churches in the Medieval period. 

We discussed how there are 8 notes in a musical scale, and how the 8th note always recreates a new scale, rebirthing the scale.

The Lord also created in 6 days, rested on the 7th, and so the 8th day was a day of the cycle occurring again.

I've been experiencing shifts in seasons my whole life, but the past year has marked a cyclical pattern where things are coming full circle over and over again.

My birthday is the last day of the year, 12.31. Every time I turn a new age, the year is being made new as well.

Maybe I'll start drawing my 8's the way I did when I was younger.

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