Phil Rice, the lead singer, has been a spiritual mentor of mine for the past 2 and a half, almost 3 years. They recorded their first full length record with Trent Bell (Flaming Lips, Chainsaw Kittens) and it released last November. My first show with them was for their CD release show on Campus Corner at OU. I have to say it has been the most fun band to play with: the guys are super laid back but serious about making good music. Their record was a bit bigger-sounding than a 3 piece live show could do justice for, so I guess that's why they brought me in- to fill in as many gaps as possible. It has stretched me in every way musically, because they've been giving me about 5 different parts to do in a song, and have literally said, "Just do as much of that as you are comfortable with." All in all, I'm switching constantly between: Keys (synthesizer, mellotron, horns sounds, organ, pad), Guitar (rhythm mostly, some lead on one song), backup vocals (one song I'm in the whole time), bongos, tambourine, shaker, and even vibraslap.
This form of worshiping the Lord has been a huge blessing. At first I didn't want to look all pretentious and 'rockstarish', so I'd hold back in order to 'humble myself' and choose that as a sacrifice to the Lord. But then, a few months ago, I clearly felt Him say "LET LOOSE! Give it EVERYTHING you have, because I've given it to you for you to give back to me. It makes me proud to see you just go CRAZY doing the things I've created you to do."
That moment was incredibly freeing. So if any of you end up seeing us play, know that it is my desire to put on a rockshow for the King. If you'd like, enter into that worship with me by taking time to thank Him for the things he has created you to do and be. And then go out and BE and DO those things, from a place of love and intimacy for our Lord.
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