This is a deep subject with much more to it than I've included here, and I understand that. But I believe we are doing (and I have been doing up until now) a huge injustice to parts of the Body by being judgmental toward people like Benny Hinn and in many discussions outright grieving the Holy Spirit by certain comments on what things 'should' or 'shouldn't' look like in the Kingdom.
If you're interested in knowing more about the Holy Spirit as the 'Third Person of the Trinity,' read Good Morning, Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn. I know, Benny Hinn... Schmuck, isn't he? I've thought so too for my whole life - even when I went 'all spiritual,' I was never okay with big crusades of some 'for real' healings and some 'fake' ones, super-shady personas with 'obvious' financial greed, not to mention the televised aspect of all of this, thinning what already sounds surface level to amount to borderline void of authenticity.
But here's the truth that offends my mind but still is the truth : God anoints people regardless of their integrity. You don't earn things with God. God gives us gifts of the Holy Spirit. Who ever deserves a gift, unless the giver is a person of conditional love? In fact, I'm coming to a place where I'm more than okay with people like Benny Hinn (those who are anointed but have no integrity- although I think people misinterpret Benny quite a bit) because the less someone deserves what God has given them a grace for, the less they can take credit for what is happening in their ministry. But enough on that, because this has nothing to do with how we should approach Benny Hinn.
Benny Hinn is not a bad person. By exposing him as a liar, thief, or actor we are doing more damage than good in the Kingdom. I've looked at his beliefs, I've read his book. There is nothing more alarming about his beliefs than those contained in the Baptist Faith and Message. If I were him, I would not be driving a cadillac (or mercedes, whatever), own a golf course (I think that's true...), a $750,000 house or sell my paperback books for more than $14.00 each... I hope. But if I did do those things, would I be wrong? You tell me where it is right for us to judge these decisions of another brother in Christ. It's not.
The other truth that offended my mind but is still true is this : The Holy Spirit, through Benny Hinn, has healed thousands (that figure's a guess...). Sure some aren't healed. But many are... As has been the case as I've prayed for people to be healed. Except my ministry thus far has been mostly based on obedience and less on fruit... meaning my ratios are less impressive than those of Hinn.
My question is : What do we do as Christians about Benny Hinn? Since he seems shady we should quench out the work of the Holy Spirit? No. We pray for him. We pray that he would have a life of integrity that matches the anointing on his life. That he would have love, as it appears in 1 Corinthians 13, which is greater than all the works, healings, words, tongues and prophecies he has given. But if people are coming to an intimate relationship with Jesus, are healed, or are given words from the Lord via Benny's anointing that cause them to fall in love with the Man Jesus, I say more power to Him.
He's freaky. He wears gaudy clothes and looks like he smells weird. He spends money weird. He steps out in faith in weird ways that seem theatrical (such as waving his jacket around and healing people with it... which isn't what he's really doing, by the way). Credible sources say his ministry is irresponsible with their monetary spending. Almost everything that happens on his stage is offensive to the mind.
Mark 16:17
"And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; the will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."
Why is it okay for many pastors to get up every sunday and speak good things, with no signs accompanying them, but live a pretty 'acceptable' (although still human) lifestyle, and be 'a good, grounded pastor'
while some, such as the freaky Benny Hinn, Heidi Baker, John Paul Jackson, Bill Johnson, Todd Bently dudes/chicks...
speak good things, have signs and wonders accompanying them by the thousands, but live a pretty 'out there' (although still human) lifestyle, and be 'wrong?'
What if God told Benny to do everything he has been doing and Benny has been completely obedient, unwavering under the pressure of negative media and scoffing evangelicals.. and we were wrong in our judgments against him?
What a loss in the Kingdom that would be.
Which side will you err on?
I was really enjoying your blog until I read this. How can you possibly condone someone who clearly is nOT preaching the gospel....but rather is preaching prosperity and greed?
honestly, i don't watch/listen/care to know just about anything about Benny Hinn. All I know is his book 'Good Morning, Holy Spirit' is filled with truth. And, just as I hope you do as you read this blog, I am filtering everything I read through the Holy Spirit. The Lord has spoken many things to me, using Mr. Hinn's book merely as an avenue. Trust me, I don't like Benny Hinn as a person... You may need to re-read that post and look for how I vent about his persona. But I believe The Lord hides treasures in some pretty ugly packages sometimes.
Again, I don't believe everything Hinn believes. But just like Joel Osteen, who I think is at least as repulsive as Hinn, I do believe a lot of similar things as these men.
By reading this book and looking into Hinn's ministry, I seek only to draw life and knowledge from certain things he has purchased from the Lord's heart that I can use to deepen my relationship with the Lord.
And trust me, I gladly toss out the 'wrong' things.. just not the baby along with that bath water.
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