Tuesday, November 4, 2008


There's a lot of 'activity' happening right now. It seems the Enemy is out prowling around, getting pissed off by the enabled lovers of Jesus, and resorting to annoyances and other games in order to throw off our rhythms. We are to live in a rhythmic heartbeat aligned with Jesus'. We are created to live and walk in freedom. So here's a prayer for you: 'you' meaning anyone in need of freedom from the arrows of the Enemy...

Lord, Jesus. We love you. We are yours, crazed with love and drunk with love, desiring to just press our faces to your chest and hear your heartbeat. We long to spend time with you. We don't desire to do business with you as a commissioned servant. We long to just be with you until you take us wherever we need to go. 
Father I pray you would break the chains on the people reading this right now. Flood their lives with peace and intimacy with you. May they find themselves in you. May they hear your voice for what it really is. May the truth of your glory and your presence not only pass by them, but envelop them and take them into a place of complete peace. In this place, begin speaking and repeating your love over them. Tell them the names you call them by. Tell them how much you dream about them. Whisper your sweet everythings into their ears gently and tell them everything is okay. Nothing is in need of worry. All disease and sickness and pain and anxiety and accusation has to fall away in your Glorious Presence. 
We aren't after emotionalism. We're after the Face of God. We can't help but be entranced when we finally see your face. Steal our minds, God. Captivate our hearts. Never let us go. We have no where else to go. We have nothing else that will do. Our anxiety and our worry and our walls of protection don't work. We have no home but in You. 

Thank you.

I'm in love with you.

Bless these people You've had stumble upon this post in the Name of Jesus.


1 comment:

charlsey said...


he will never leave me nor forsake me.