I realized a few things:
- Prayer and worship are learned behaviors.
- One cannot base their knowledge of God's presence on personal experience.
- No one knows the extent to which someone can experience God's Presence.
- Although the Holy Spirit draws us in, God is a gentleman- He won't force Himself on you. You have a choice in receiving His unconditional love or rejecting it.
- We can always go deeper and know more of His presence- but we better be ready to look more and more ridiculous.
I vividly recall one night when the two of us were walking out of a dark, vacant chapel after sitting and experiencing Heavenly worship. We parted ways to go to our rooms and looking to me with a look of relaxation and rejuvenation, he said, "That was a good soak."
soak : [sohk] - verb
1. to lie in and become saturated or permeated with water or some other liquid.
2. to pass, as a liquid, through pores, holes, or the like : The rain soaked through the tear in the umbrella.
3. to be thoroughly wet.
4. to penetrate or become known to the mind or feelings. : The lesson didn't soak in.
5. to drink immoderately, esp. alcoholic beverages : They were soaking at the bar.
God doesn't want you to know about Him. He doesn't want to know about you. He desires (more than you or I ever will) for you to know Him, experience Him. He wants you to feel Him. You're doing him no favors by saying, "It's enough for me to be 'reverent' and distanced from You." Calling it emotionalism is blasphemous, grieving the Lord who is crying out for communion with His beloved- YOU.
Screw sipping on the Living Water. I wanna soak in Him. Forget moderation. I wanna get drunk on the new wine of The Spirit. (I understand that the semantics can get confusing for someone who doesn't know me, but I have no other way of putting it.) I can't keep it in. I've found the purpose of my life. The life source I have always needed and searched in all the wrong places to find.
It will look different for you than it does for me. That's the beautiful part. God has a perfect, intimate way of interacting with you. He's designed you to commune with Him in a way that is completely unique and suited for you. But understand the jealousy of Him- He wants the thing you just can't give Him, and if that means vomiting up your religious doctrine that has been encaging Him, you'll have to hang over the toilet for a while before you experience Him fully.
... and trust me- personally, I've never known such a beautiful purging.
1 comment:
just thought i'd let you know...
i am up late, bored and not tired. so i got to my blog..which is private cause i need to keep a journal (says the therapist) but i hate writing. anyway i go clicking on different links of my friends blogs and i find you and start reading through. the story of phil's heritage was touching (did I just say touching? sounds insincere but it isn't i swear..maybe moving is more appropriate) so i keep reading down the page and i get to this post.
you said something:
"One cannot base their knowledge of God's presence on personal experience"
and until this exact moment of reading that line..peronal experience has been what i have based the entirety of my knowledge of God's presence on.
It's getting clearer what God wants from me and I am realizing that it is not something I can give half-heartedly, occasionally or just when it feels emotionally and spiritually relevant. This soaking concept makes perfect sense. I will spend some time purging though. My expectations and oh-so-unique stance on theology will be going straight to the toilet. He's continually calling me to just sit at his feet. That calling makes me oddly uncomfortable because it would require no doing, no talking and so I'm not quite sure what it entails or, quite honestly, if I will be bored out of my mind. But maybe I can literally soak.
Well now that my comment has turned into a straight-up stream of consciousness....
Thank you for continuing the heritage. Your words have birthed a new spirit in me.
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