Saturday, December 13, 2008

Stop Looking At The Telephone.

Fascination is dangerous when learning about the prophetic or healing or anything else that is supernatural. If fascination fuels the desire to see more of God, it's incredibly easy to be led astray from the thing God desires for and from us... intimacy.

Intimacy is the central focus of God, always. He doesn't need us. We aren't practical to Him. My friend Brett made the analogy of having kids - they're expensive, needy, and easily misguided. For a good father to have kids makes no sense unless you actually love them. The Father's love for us is so intense. He didn't send His Son to die in order to fix a problem. He died to become more intimate with us.

So if He has plans to be more intimate with us, prophecy should end in the fruit of intimacy. Prophecy is a telephone - a supernatural communication with the Lord.

When you're on the phone with someone, do you get distracted that you're on the phone, too excited that a device is connecting you to someone else to focus on the conversation? Are you thinking about how it works? Are you distracted by the batteries, the microphone, the speaker, the soundwaves, and electronic signals? If you are, you're hindering the purpose of the phone.

When I first became aware that God still speaks to people, I was skeptical. When certain prophetic words of wisdom became too accurate for me to deny it anymore, I was fascinated. When I realized who the One is on the other end of the line, I was convicted of having my eyes fixed on the telephone.

May the Lord ruin our boxed-in perception of who He is and what He can do.

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