What I have to say about the secret place comes only from my experience right now. I'm about to read a book about it, but I feel like the past year and a half has given me all I've needed to know so far.
I cannot express to you how much I love the Secret Place. It is the one place I have found any knowledge, wisdom, insight, revelation, or information in general that always holds water. When I'm obtaining these from conversations or anything besides the Secret Place, I always have to sift through the words to find the ones from the Lord. I can trust everything I experience in the place where I've allowed the Holy Spirit to commune intimately and privately with me.
There are no gimmicks here - no shows being put on for people - no fear of man - no making up a prayer language to impress people.
There is complete freedom here - so what if you are unsure about the whole 'speaking in tongues' thing? When you're alone with the Him, the Holy Spirit will teach you all you need to know about it.
It's such a sterile environment where if anything happens, it can't be from conjured up emotion. It's yours. All yours. And it's just like the Lover God to reveal Himself so powerfully in this place, because it's just like sex. You're locked away, alone with the only One you love, creating memories and moments that are only for the two of you.
Here's why I have so much energy to post this one: I just physically exited a time of intense intimacy with Him, and I was reminded of how much I love it - how it has been the central life source for me the past year and a half, and how I must consecrate it to the Lord every day in order to stay connected with the Head.
Here's a story from the Secret Place today:
It starts with yesterday. Stephen, Jill and I went to Norman to go to cluster. The date was 1.11, a prophetic number in my book, so I was expecting at least something. We get to cluster, and the love of the Lord is just intense. We worship for about 45 minutes, allowing the Lord to impart His joy on all of us and interceding for those with illnesses or needs of joy. Ken, my pastor, shared a word about new wineskins, and how he is being called to experience the Lord in a a new way. He had always known the presence of God through tears, but now he was being called to know it through intense joy. Afterward we were asked to share any prophetic words, and my whole body started trembling with a feeling of responsibility to share. I gave a word about intimacy and prayed it over the group. Cool, but not profound.
The three of us started driving back to Tulsa, and we saw the full moon. We were driving straight toward it. We began talking about the prophetic, how the date was interesting, the full moon had to also be a type of sign, etc. It was just a really healthy talk.
After arriving in Tulsa, we went to a bar to watch a friend play a show.
Then I got home and turned on a podcast by Kris Vallaton. He said how it was interesting that in Genesis the Bible says the sun and moon were set for signs of seasons and night and day, and how in Acts it says people will see signs in the sky. Its also interesting that the Enemy has capitalized on this, creating the horoscopes and such, and if the Enemy only counterfeits what is truth, then us Christians should probably start allowing the Lord to take His sky back as a source of information conveying truth instead of leading people away. - interesting this sermon would come on after a talk in the car about the full moon.
Anyway, that's the night before.
Today, I sat in my closet, lit a few candles, and sat in the Presence for a while. I turned on my spirit ears and eyes and waited. Immediately, I received two phone calls. Normally I would see these as distractions, but in my spirit I recognized the voice of God in goofy places. The first was from Nick. The words he gave (unknowingly) from the Lord were, "Yeah, I just wanna party, like an end of the year kind of thing." For me, this meant an opening of a new year, filled with the joy of the Lord. And because the Holy Spirit was near, He reminded me of cluster last night, how it was about 'joy.'
Then, not two minutes later, Phil called for the first time in days. He just laughed knowingly when I told him I was being called into the Secret Place again and encouraged me.
I kept asking Holy Spirit to come, and then He had me open my Bible. It fell open to Job 26.
This is where it gets crazy.
I was attracted to how it talks about God helping people saving people and giving knowledge to people, so I started writing the chapter out. Then I got to verse 9. "He covers the face of the full moon, and stretches over it His cloud."
Holy Spirit immediately reminded me of the full moon last night and how clouds came and covered it, and I looked at the bottom and saw that in Hebrew, 'full moon' could mean 'his throne.'
and then He blew me away with reminding me of the name of the bar we were at after arriving in Tulsa... The Full Moon Cafe.
He then reminded me of the name of the beer I had. Newcastle. I thought of the New Wine and the New Wineskins we talked about at cluster. Castle reminds me of the place of His throne. 'A new place for the throne of God to dwell' was the phrase I ended up on, reassuring me of my need to get into my new wineskin : the Secret Place.
Here's the deal. God speaks however He wants to. I don't understand it, and neither do you. And that's the way it needs to be. Once we start understanding our faith and what exactly is happening and how it's going to happen, we need to start worrying that we may be heading down the wrong path. Don't get me wrong. I believe God is knowable. In fact, that's the very central part of His heart - to know His people and for them to know Him. But He doesn't give a crap about whether or not you figure Him out. We do Him no favors by knowing ABOUT Him. We please Him only by communing with Him as faithful Lovers. Let's go find Him in the Secret Place. Trust me, it will blow your mind the way He has been constantly speaking to you. You need only to ask Him for the spirit of wisdom and revelation, and He'll begin decoding the fabric of your mundane life into pages and pages of His divine words, scribbled all around you.
Bless you and your time communing with the Triune God.
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