Friday, January 23, 2009

Spiritually Full

I just got home.
I need to get up in 7 hours.
Then I'll have to sit for 8 hours in a suburban, pulling a trailer.
All to go to the butt-crack of Texas.
But it's my job, and I love it.
It is late, though.

But this is the best feeling.

Tonight, I experienced you again.
It never gets old.
The spirit of prophecy fell over Ira and I on his kitchen floor.
It's always best when it's beyond our control.
Some things that came out of my mouth felt tingly.
I could feel them come out and touch him.
I know they were from You, though.
And so did he.
It's best when there's no other way to explain it.

You're so beyond what we think we know.

Numbers, twitches, words, themes...

Everything in this life is just affirmation.
Affirmation of your unfailing love.

Go sit with the Lord, the One who made you, and let it ruin you.
It's ruined me.
It ruined Ira.

It will ruin anyone who is willing.

Oh, my God, Thank You Lord.

9:11. Heat. Psalm 27. 11:11. Joel. 12:31. 1:22. Twitch. Father. Peace.

Did I mention this never gets old?

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