Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I have a good friend named Brett that I've known since I was in 7th grade. We were in a group of about 10 or so close friends that formed while I was in school at Metro Christian Academy (8th grade through 10th).... We ended up going to OU together and were roommates freshman year there. We've experienced a lot together, especially in the last three years. Here's a few things:

*All the things that go along with being roommates during the Freshman Experience at college

*Going through pledgeship at our fraternities (we were in different ones, but it's all the same)

*Discussing and hashing through what it means to follow Jesus in these times

*Working at New Life Ranch in Siloam Springs, Arkansas the summer after freshman year

*Investing in a disciple group through Norman Community Church headed by our close friend Phil Rice

*Experiencing/Learning/Trained/being exposed to the Holy Spirit and the Prophetic gifting, and all the questions, problems, doubts, books, goodness, etc. that goes along with being introduced to that

*Spending many nights at his house our sophomore year when I didn't sleep more than a few hours a night in my frat house

*Driving all night from Norman to Kansas City just to experience more of the Lord

*Me crying in his kitchen in the Fall of last year over a wound the Lord put in my life in order that all this stuff that has happened since then would happen (see post: the desert)

*Praying countless times about my brokenness in the Fall together, asking for the Lord to keep doing the good work he was obviously doing

In the midst of all these little milestones I see when I look over our friendship, I remember always asking him a lot of questions because he is so full of knowledge and wisdom when it comes to the things that matter- spiritual things. Things about the Lord.
It seemed that I could never be around him without talking about what God was doing in our lives, what He was saying, how He was moving. We've definitely made a few bad decisions around each other, but it's beautiful how God orchestrated our lives to come to this point the way they have. Within the last 9 months or so, we've both been broken and shared in a bit of suffering from the Lord- and we both have loved it. We both love the Lord. And we can be a testimony of what a friendship that is based on the Lord can be- A life of it's own that furthers the kingdom of God.

I have other friends that are also living, breathing, moving machines that fight the demonic and arrows of the Enemy- I'm just compelled to write about Brett because of the things mentioned above and because he's by himself on his way to Israel right now for over a month of learning Hebrew and culture and other stuff.

I got to talk to him last night for a little over an hour, and it was by far one of those epic, beautiful conversations that define a friendship. The Lord obviously appointed it; even as I was calling him it was perfect because he was looking for his phone so he could call me. And by the time we hung up, we had both spoken so much life into each other (by the power of the Lord that is in us speaking) that we were ready to trust the Lord with every detail of our lives- If God wanted us to jump off the nearest cliff, I have no doubt we would've sprinted to it.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that this guy is one of the people in my life that I respect the most, look up to the most, admire the most, and love the most. Like I said, there are others, and I'll blog about them too (you already know who you are), but I just had to say this.

I'm praying for you every day while you're in Israel. 

Abba, guide every breath he takes, and may you speak to him through every leaf, number, color, person you see, hear, or touch. I pray now in the Name of Jesus that you would reveal more and more of yourself to Brett. Don't allow him to slip out of your hand. I give him over to you, and I say that everything that happens in Israel is perfect in accordance to your good, perfect, and pleasing plan. Don't allow anything in his mind that is not from you. May he rely on you for everything he needs, and may he ONLY find life there. At your feet. May there be a double portion of Holy Spirit that comes from being on his face before you, and a double amount of lacking everywhere else. Thank you for every conversation, every interaction, and every sight he will see. It's all from you. 

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