This has so much in it and could be talked about for a long time, but here's where I'm at: The past three days God has highlighted this chapter in a big way- and I'm not talking about it's 'been on my heart'... though it has. It has been slapping me in the face everywhere I go. Saturday I hear it and Isaiah 61 repeated in prayer, Sunday I watch a sermon podcast and it's completely about Exodus 33 and Isaiah 61, Sunday night I choose a RANDOM (as in out of over 600) podcast to fall asleep to, and it's about Exodus 33 and Isaiah 61... Both of these have been huge themes in these past 6-7 months, but obviously they're being brought up right now. Sunday night I 'just so happen' to look at my odometer at mile 33 and tonight at the Loft Madison and I start talking about God's Goodness and I'm in the middle of answering question 33 on my homework, and before I can freak out about how that's weird, she points out that it's 11:33pm... THEN I have an extremely life-giving talk with one of my best friends Stephen, and we end right at 1:11 (a recurring number) and when I go to text him about that weirdness, my inbox number says '33'. This is literally 30 minutes after talking with Blake Slatten about the 'odds' of these things happening, and how it can't be a coincidence. Go ahead and either think I'm crazy or be encouraged... but trust me (or don't, I don't really care), I am not looking for these things.
With that said, and regardless of whether I'm just nuts or not, this theme of being offered 'land' in our lives and choosing to wait on the Lord to go with us into it instead of jumping into these self-seeking opportunities is just huge. With the Waco decision (see posts 'waco' and 'locking doors or the thief comes to steal') and countless other ones in my life, this theme is the model I'm using, and it's proven itself to be from the Lord. If we earnestly seek HIM, He will reward us (Heb. 11:6). If we call Him our portion, and show ourselves faithful only to Him as our first love, and not the things God gives us, He will reward us. And when He rewards us, the circle comes around again- are we going to enjoy the blessing, or the One who blessed us? What are our motives? Do we want comfort, or intimacy with Him?
"Your heart is the one thing I want more than life or peace or comfort or riches or prestige or recognition; Your heart is all that I want." -Zach Payne, 'RUN'
What if being with Him right after someone leaves us doesn't mean peace? What if going out and getting drunk and having sex with someone new does? What if the peace from the latter lasts for a lifetime and the lack of peace from the former lasts for a lifetime? What will we choose? Do you really love the Lord? How hungry are you for intimacy with Him? More hungry for that than for the gifts He gives you?
I'm asking myself these questions every day. And He's faithful to give me just what I need, right when I need it. Luke 12- We don't have to worry about anything, He'll give us whatever we need. Let's just keep our eyes on His Face.
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