I've been occasionally experiencing some levels of drunkenness and ecstasy from the Lord and it's awesome. About 4 months ago I watched a video podcast of a guy talking about a level of prayer that brought about ecstasy, a physical manifestation of the Presence of God. He was mumbling and moping around a lot, because apparently the worship got pretty intense before he went on to speak. His first words were: "You really shouldn't play such spiritual worship right before having me come speak at your church. I become like this, a drunken mess."
I've attended a handful of prayer meetings where people needed rides afterward because they were too drunk. I've had to have someone give me a ride because I was too drunk. People I know have been pulled over after certain prayer meetings because they were driving drunk. On the Spirit.
It's really funny to me how this strikes such bad chords in church people. Not that I'm not part of what is called 'church people,' but it generally hits Christians as something that is odd. To me, and to this speaker I watched, it makes perfect sense. The Enemy makes counterfeits, right? Everything we run to apart from the Father to apart fill us and make us feel a certain way is a counterfeit, right? When we go to alcohol and weed to escape the feelings of the world we live in, it's the 'wrong' choice between those things and the Lord, right? Well why can't God fulfill our need for ecstasy? Why can't God have the best alcohol, weed, and x out of all the drug dealers in the world? Do you believe he can heal? He's substituting the drugs the patient would need for His Glory to come and meet that need.
So I believe that all drugs and drunkenness on alcohol are counterfeits of what God has really intended for us to enjoy in Him. I believe He can and will supply us with a touch from His Glory that will have us wondering why we ever tried anything else. And I don't believe that because I think He's got some sweet long white dreads and a rasta-halo above His head. I believe it because when you mix the Spirit realm with our physical realm we are so used to, weird things happen. And if it's not weird, then it's probably not happening. Don't hold me to that.
So 420: As I've mentioned briefly before, but not in depth at all yet, God does this thing with me and numbers- He has me recognize that I'm seeing a recurring number, and usually He lets that happen for a while and then He shows me what it means: almost ALWAYS a verse in the Bible. And I had no clue that today (yesterday, I'm still up) was 4.20 until my roommate told me later. So 420 is on my license plate, and I've seen it a lot (on clocks when I'm praying or having a deep conversation, on signs and billboards when I'm thinking about the Lord, other really random and timely locations and times), so I've been recognizing that it is probably from the Lord (since I don't believe in coincidence) for many months now. And then today, during a video sermon thing I was watching, a woman read 1 Corinthians 4:20. It just stuck out for some reason, and I had a little 'a ha' moment right before she said the verse: "For the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power." Wow, great verse, Lord.
Each of these verses that God has highlighted in these past 7 or so months are extremely personal. This one hits home in a big way because I've always been frustrated with the 'talk of Christianity.' It upset me that since I couldn't use big words and formulate beautiful arguments and semantics to back up my theological stances and beliefs against what is usually my Brother in Christ, tearing down the walls of the church in front of an already numb harvest (can you tell I've been upset about this before?).... Okay, sorry. Anyway, I was really turned off by the overly-conservative, legalistic Christian that has put God in such a small box by choosing to believe He only does a certain amount of... sorry again. NOT IN WORDS BUT IN POWER. No person's words are going to get someone to a relationship with the Lord. Yes, God gives us words (Bible, for example), but they do NOTHING on their own. The significance is the POWER. There is Power in the name of Jesus. THAT is why people get laid out on their face in worship, healed of all kinds of sickness, and raised from the dead (yes, that still happens). Not because someone had such a great sermon with such a well-formulated argument. Because God's Glory has Power. We are not to further His Kingdom with words. But with Power.
If you're not intellectual, but you're more emotional- if you're not a huge studier, but rather a feeler, experiencer, and meditator... good news. The Kingdom does not exist in words. It's in power. So charge up- pray in the Spirit, interact with the Lord. Spend time walking with Him, telling Him He's your Portion. Read books upon books and gain knowledge that He wants for you. Then go out in Love- 1 Corinthians 13 is not the chapter you use to accuse your spouse or girlfriend of what they're doing wrong. Read verses 1-3. Its to convict you of not using your gifts to further the Kingdom with Love. I'm not impressed that you're prophetic. I'm overwhelmed by the Power of God when you release a Word from Him in Love.
I'm done.
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