Okay, dang. I wish I could just fill you in on the details of this past week and a half or so, but I can't, and I wouldn't if I could, so it's basically pointless for me to even mention that.
But anyway, as I stated in the last post, I've been under some crappy, debilitating distraction recently, and as I did NOT state before, it is actually a beautiful thing that always comes before a blessing from the Lord- that is, if we are faithful in the valley. If you have 9 minutes, watch this.
The more we are attacked, the more we will be blessed in the end. I don't feel too heretical saying that, I think. I don't know, but it's definitely a pattern that's been happening in my life the past 6 or 7 months. And this last couple weeks was a perfect example. You see, I was truckin' along, enjoying great amounts of joy and blessing from the Lord in ministry and in relationships, and then a few things went nuts a couple weeks ago (crazy events of people not being able to go to Mozambique, plane tickets not being purchased, immunizations being backed up, relationships getting confusing... on and on...). So I sat with the Lord a few times last week, especially Friday, and told Him I was pissed. I didn't like that I had to undergo these problems, these confusions, these immobilizing brick walls.
So I sat at His feet (He's always tricking me into doing that...) for a few days and He was faithful once again. Isaiah 55 says for EVERYONE to come to Him. Come to Him ALL who are thirsty. We must make ourselves thirsty for Him. Forget telling Him He's all you want and not making room for Him. That's worthless.
Not to cut it short, but for now, that's all I got. Maybe I'll add more to this later.
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