The Deceiver is Great at deceiving. He is so freaking sneaky. His lies are so misleading and we must not mistake his voice for the Voice of our Father. Spiders sneak in when you're asleep, when you're not cleaning your house, and even when you've just finished destroying their webs. They come in and find the most random but somehow perfectly unnoticed place to start taking ground.
After coffee, I went and was reunited with Blake Slatten, one of the very few people in my life I can say without a doubt I will be looking up to for the rest of my life, connected spiritually. I told him about the spiders and he prayed for me. It was great. I felt more of the oppression lifting and was incredibly blessed by his praying over me.
Then, Phil, Becky (his fiance) and I went to Edmond to a His Tribe prayer meeting. Phil and I led worship, and while we worshiped, I saw a spider run across the carpet. After soaking in the Presence for a while, Shane asked if anyone had been having a hard time the past couple weeks. I raised my hand. So did some other people.
Phil and Canaan, a friend of mine from His Tribe, began praying over me. I felt my legs give out, and right before I hit the ground Phil saw a white-ish spider run across the ground. Ramey, another friend from His Tribe, ministered to me and prayed for me while I was on the ground. He said he saw a lake full of God's Love that I was free to run and soak and drink in all that I desired. I could feel the Love of God soaking into me like I was a sponge as I remained on the carpet, full of peace.
The white-ish spider, Phil said, seemed to be a religious spirit type of liar trying to go in and weave lies about my identity and a false sense of earning the role of Lover in Christ's heart.
Sorry this post is so jumbled. Hopefully some of you are getting what happened today. If you've felt the way I have the past couple weeks, with an accuser and a deceiver weaving webs of lies in the dark corners of your mind and heart, claim the identity of Christ over your life. His love is unconditional. And that doesn't just mean it's continual. It means it doesn't take anything for Him to love you fully. Allow yourself to soak in the Love of Jesus and allow yourself to be defined by that love. Nothing else. THEN, from THAT place of being loved and desired by God... Pray. Read your Bible. Minister. Rest. Go to work/school.
Don't become a servant of the God who desires Lovers.
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